Sharon’s passion for acting started with Salamander Theatre in Ottawa, where she performed in five plays before she finished high school. Since she completed her BFA Theatre (Acting) from Memorial University of NL in 2007, Sharon has appeared on stages in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and New Zealand. She has been a company actor for repertory seasons with Grand Bank Regional Theatre and Stephenville Theatre Festival. Most recently, she appeared in New Curtain Theatre Company’s The Ladies’ Foursome, Girl Power’s Brazil Square, Best Kind Productions’ [title of show] and Second Shot, and Persistence Theatre‘s Women Playing Hamlet, The Mirror, and Sharon’s solo show, Original.
Sharon loves text work and engages deeply and introspectively with the script she is given. Her approach to character development incorporates both Stanislavskian technique and embodied, dance- or clown-based work. Sharon was the winner of the 2017 Rhonda Payne Theatre Award, which acknowledges the work of a woman artist in Newfoundland and Labrador.

“King-Campbell keeps her delivery sincere, measured, and engaging”
—JM Sullivan, The Telegram, for Original
“King-Campbell is also a magnetic actor, and in Original, she plays all three roles.”
—Dr. Andrew Loman, for Original
“…the actors were a joy to watch… Sharon King-Campbell moved fluently from character to character, making each as wonderful as the next.”
—Janice Kitchen, The Western Star, for Tales of Ti-Jean

“It is incredibly funny because of the four amazing actors. Their comedic timing was excellent, they were so facially expressive, and all four members of this cast… deserve a round of applause for their work… outstanding and believable performances.”
—Janice Kitchen, The Western Star, for Looking
“In Cleo’s court, Sharon King-Campbell is an attentive Charmian.”
—John Smythe, www.theatreview.org.nz, for Antony & Cleopatra
“the starry-eyed and garrulous romance-writer […] – a role ebulliently played by Sharon King-Campbell. […] an impressive cast…”
—Gordon Jones, The Telegram, for Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii

“Individual and collective performance is uniformly sound, sometimes outstanding […] Rosencrantz and Sharon King-Campbell’s Guildenstern, both capably played…”
—Gordon Jones, The Telegram, for Hamlet
“…it should be said that, in that debut, it would not be a simple matter to find professional actors better grounded and more natural in performance than Sharon King-Campbell…”
—Gordon Jones, The Telegram, for Momentum
“King-Campbell’s portrayal of Helen the social worker is staunch and disgusted, her nuanced eye flutters and sheer incredulity at Denise’s lack of morals and grasp on acceptable society reflects exactly what the audience is thinking.”
—Heidi Wicks, The Telegram, for Problem Child