Well folks, it’s been a couple of years, but the St. John’s Storytelling Festival is back in person, and I’m so pleased to be part of it.
Specifically, I’m stepping in for a teller who wasn’t able to make it to St. John’s to participate (there’s still a pandemic on the go, I think you might’ve heard of it) at an old familiar event – and one of my favourites – the Story Walk at the MUN Botanical Garden.
Picture this: you are literally sung through the woods, and every so often you stop and a storyteller embedded into the forest or the garden or by the pond tells you a tale. It’s gorgeous and family friendly and is free with the price of admission to the gardens (a steal at $9 any day of the year).
I’m sharing the bill with host Catherine Wright, folktale and folksong specialist Ellen Power, and author/poet Joshua Goudie, who has a shiny new book out just in time for the spooky season.
I’m a bit obsessed with selkies these days, so I’ll be telling a new selkie story (with a feminist twist, because of course I am).
The story walk is at 2pm September 25th. Dress for the weather. If it’s raining hard enough, we’ll go ahead indoors.